ERSHA has supported Alemstsehay CLA with different materials to generate income

Alemtsehay Cluster Level Association (CLA), is one of the local women institution organized by ERSHA, in 2012 to strengthen 22 Self Help Groups (SHGs) having 402 women members with the objective of empowering the women SHGs so that they will help their women members to be active participants in their economic, social and leadership roles. The CLA has a piloted a wise investment initiative by securing a fund from local investor for supporting children groups to exercise their talent in their locality.

It was identified that, the CLA has technical and financial capacity gap to discharge the responsibilities to its members as required. Based on the identified gaps, ERSHA has submitted a project proposal to Plan International Ethiopia to strengthen the technical and financial capacity.

Accordingly, ERSHA has supported seven different kinds of items worth of 107,540.00 birr were procured and handed over to the CLA executive Committee in the presence of the woreda Women and Children Affairs representatives and the Executive Director of ERSHA. They were very happy with the support provided to them by Plan International Ethiopia and ERSHA.

Materials provided to Alemtsehay CLA

To enhance the skill and knowledge of the CLA and SHG representative trainings on Resource mobilization and on business skill development was organized for 60 and 50 selected women drawn from CLA executive committee and SHG members respectively.

At the end of the training the CLA and SHG representatives have formed a 13 member’s management committee to coordinate and run the investment. Since the start of the income generation activity, the CLA earned 3,179 birr as income.

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