Vegetable Production
Wheat Production Applying Vermio Compost
Support to Pre-school (ATCCDP)
Women fuel saving stove producers (ATCCDP)
Women engaged in weaving as income generating initiative (Dita)
Women engaged in weaving as income generating initiative (Dita)
Women-income-from apple production
200 meter cube reservoir constructed to supply potable and clean ewatder for the rural communities
Vermi compost ready for use
Vegetable production using vermi compost Guder
Training for farmers
Social minority groups supported with pottery production equipments
Roof water harvesting in school (ATCCDP)
Reference books support (ATCCDP)
Potable water supply (Diksis)
Gadisa Gudina Women Saving anbd Credit Assocation plc Doba
Clean water supply, cattle trough and washing basin
Pottery products produced by organized women pottery producers group
Women producing reusable sanitary pad
Social minority groups supported with modern pottery production machine
Sheep supported to poor women through transfer mechanism
Menstureal Hygiene managerment room constructed in schools
International children's day celebration in schools
Improved crop seed ready for distribution to farmers
Government officials, experts and farmers visiting vegetable production by applying vermin compost
Enset seedling supported
Conventional compost preparation above ground
Constructeed small scale irrigation scheme
Constructed school block
Children happiness because of potable and clean water availability in their vicinity
Separate girls toilet constructed in schools
Vegetable producted applying vermi compost
Vermi compost ready for use
Water points constructed to provide clean water
Wheat planted applying vermi copmost