Gender sensitivity: – is viewed as a means for attaining sustainable development and an end in attaining women empowerment.

People Contentedness: – ERSHA believes that development intervention should put people and humanity at the forefront. In this regard, it highly gives due regard to inclusiveness in its program operations. It also highly values local and indigenous knowledge, value systems and local capacities to bring development.

Collective action: – ERSHA believes that adopting democratic principles in decision making is very important and thus it will encourage collective decision making system in its operations both at organization and community levels.

Sustainability:– ERSHA’s work both as value and principle. It understands
sustainability as economic, ecological and social harmony that balances immediate development demand of the poor community with the long-term development need.
Interdependence:- ERSHA venerate and facilitate inter and intra communities, groups and between rural people and all development actors (Public, Private and CSO/NGO) at all levels for mutual interdependence where one-sided dependency is lessoned and vulnerability minimized to the lowest possible level.

Partnership and mutuality: – emanated its recognition for diversity, synergy and interconnections among actors and factors as well as its belief in working as one whole –single system.

Integrity:– ERSHA strives to be honest and transparent in what it does and say and accepts responsibility for its action and idea it forwards. It appreciated and respects the ideas, values, aspirations, vision and mission of the community it serves and stakeholders in its work and communications.

Excellence:– ERSHA constantly challenges itself to the highest levels of learning and performance to achieve greater impact and performance. It continually updates its system, skill, professional competencies and efficiency and also network with international and local organizations and associations engaged in similar works to acquire and equip itself with the latest and state of the art technical models, approaches and methods in
every sector it works.